Consecutive Numbered Etched and Engraved Cased Lefaucheux Model 1854 Revolvers

Here’s another neat one from the Cowan’s auction today:

Their description was:

11mm caliber, 6.25" barrels, S/Ns 8530, 8531 . Octagonal-to-round barrels engraved at breech with flourishes and scrolls with additional scroll engraving at muzzle. Address deeply etched " Lefaucheaux a Paris. " Cylinder engraved en suite . Frame with sparse engraving. Recoil shield elaborately engraved with scrolls on a punched background. Backstrap engraved with scrolls. Frontstrap with some engraving. Buttcap engraved with scrolls and fitted lanyard ring. hammer nozzle is engraved. Varnished ebony grips. The whole cased in what appears to be the original green lined French fitted case with turnscrews, cleaning rod, and oil bottle.


Condition of revolvers identical. Smooth metal with what appears to be some traces of case hardening on S/N 8531. Some flaking of varnish. Action is excellent, bores are very good. One hinge missing to case. An unusual set of very attractive Lefaucheaux pinfire revolvers.

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Il like it
Consécutive number but it seems that the writing style is different? 8530/8531

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Yes this is what we can “un bidouillage” in french, the LF 8530 is a fake.
Nevertheless à beautiful case.

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