Lefaucheux 1854

Lefaucheux 1854

Thanks for posting, @Jos! Is that a very large gun or a really small man!? Heh…

What is the serial number on your revolver?

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Hello Aaron,

The serialnumber is 75587.

Grtz Jos.

What do you think About the number?

What do you think or know about the number?

belle pièce mais je suis curieux, que y a t-il sur l’étagère du dessous

Give you the month and year in a few days


The LF 75587 has probably been made in December 1862 or in January 1863.

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Thanks for the information, where have you found it? Could at than be maybe a civil war gun? It’s from that time area grtz Jos…

where I found that ? … 25 years of personal research and in the archives of Eugène Lefaucheux.
No, the LF 75587 is out of the Civil War period


c’est a dire + de 25 ans de mariage :slightly_smiling_face:
bonnes vacances Guillaume

Tu peux monter jusqu’a 30 depuis le mois de Juin dernier

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I love it anayway :+1:t2::wink:

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Of course :innocent:


Lefaucheux 1854 in a movie :grinning:

Seem to be a belgium one, the barrel is fixed with a screw in the front

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