Lefaucheux 1869

Got a Lefaucheux 1869 revolver CF supporting probably a cartridge of 9 mm galand
Cylinder chamber: 10/11.2/1.6 mm
Looking for the exact measures of that cartridge …

I measured mine. Here are the results:

Bullet diameter in millimeters

Type Avg. BuDi Min BuDi Max BuDi
9mm Galand 9.47 9.17 9.72
9mm Perrin 9.04 8.87 9.17

Base Diameter in millimeters

Type Avg. BaDi Min BaDi Max BaDi
9mm Galand 11.35 11.08 11.58
9mm Perrin 10.74 10.72 10.76

Case Length in millimeters

Type Avg. CL Min CL Max CL
9mm Galand 14.34 13.17 17.69
9mm Perrin 13.10 12.96 13.32

Overall Length in millimeters

Type Avg. OAL Min OAL Max OAL
9mm Galand 24.17 22.51 27.04
9mm Perrin 21.49 21.34 21.63

Here are the 9mm Galand cartridges:

Here are the 9mm Perrin cartridges:

Here is a Perrin beside a Galand:

Looking to the measures I’am not sure that a Galand 9 mm gonna fit …
what can’it be else ?

To see the revolver …


finally its a 9 mm …

It’s back online.
