Strange fusil à combinaison with baïonnette?

Greetings et bonjour tout le monde.

This 15mm & 24 ga. combination gun is rather odd in many ways. Bayonet, no engraving and a military issue mark.

Cette arme combo a un canon rayé de 15 mm à gauche et un canon de fusil de calibre 24 à droite. Il a également une baïonnette à tige. Il n’y a pas du tout de gravure décorative. Comme on peut s’y attendre d’une arme militaire.

Il y a une marque G O 47 qui semble être une marque de propriété militaire ou policière. Ma recherche initiale suggère des gardes-pensionnaires, mais c’est une supposition.

Les barriques sont marquées; “GRUNDIG IN DRESDEN” Il existe des marques d’épreuves allemandes. Mais l’arme semble plus ancienne que les preuves suggèrent. Maye a-t-il été reconstruit puis vérifié? Tout ce que j’ai, ce sont des questions.

Merci d’avance pour vos informations. Je suis très impressionné par les connaissances ici.

The butt is marked G O 47 which appears to be a military or police property mark. The barrel rib is marked “Grundig In Dresden” The proof marks would suggest the gun is from the 1890’s. But I think it looks much older. Maybe proof tested after being rebuilt?

Anyway, thanks in advance for your assistance and comments. I’m very impressed by the level of knowledge here.

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In 2009, on well before we probably ever interacted on the IAA forum, you were one of the first people I ever contacted about pinfire cartridges when I first became interested in them. I think I was just searching and contacting anyone I could find, to try to find them to buy.

Also found an old thread there where you, I and @Lefaucheux all interacted.

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Yes, I seem to recall these interactions, though not specifically.

Collecting pinfire arms and ammo is very rewarding, there appears to be an endless variety of little known designs and configurations. And the prices are often very reasonable.

Is Mr. Lefaucheux associated with

I haven’t found any information . A nice shotgun .Maybe a military or police property

No, not associated in the exact sense of the word but just a provider of information.